IOSH Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing | Premier Partnership

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Course Code: PP0000

IOSH Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing




per course | +VAT | Prices may vary for existing customers

1 Day


Face-to-Face / Virtual Classroom

Course Information

Course Overview

Attendees will learn about the impact that work-related and non-work-related illness can have on individuals and on their organisation.

Target Audience

Health and Safety practitioners

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand why it’s important to manage fluctuations in people’s health
  • Learn what to consider in a health needs assessment
  • Discover how to recognise a ‘well’ employee
  • Learn how to help co-workers return to work after an illness
  • Gain tools and techniques to
  • Assessment

    Qualitative assessment by Tutor.

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